Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Don't Throw it!!! GROW IT!!!

Here’s another way to be creative with plants

Eat Your Vegetable (and plant them too) , you can also have houseplant fun with fruits, nuts, herbs and spices. 

Kitchen experiments in the wonders of Botany.



From the common carrot to the exotic cherimoya, dozens of foods have pits, seeds, and roots waiting to be rescued from the compost bin and brought back to life on your windowsill. Planted and nurtured, the shiny pomegranate seeds left over from breakfast and the piece of neglected ginger root in your refrigerator will grow into healthy, vigorous houseplants.

I would recommend it for kids to teach them about nature and where food comes from..

Inspired from the Book:

"Don't Throw It, Grow It!: 68 windowsill plants from kitchen scraps Paperback" 

by Deborah Peterson  (Author)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Increase Brain Power and Think like a Genius!

Use these brain boosters to increase brain power for faster learning, better memory, sharper thinking, out-of-the-box problem solving, more efficiency and productivity and enhanced creativity and get you thinking like the great thinkers. Don’t make working your brain a chore!
  • Meditate: The brain exercise! Stress clouds your thinking, so relieve stress with meditation.
  • Work on being ambidextrous. Brush your hair, write, use the mouse and eat/drink with the “wrong” hand.
  • When something is broken, find creative repair solutions using common objects. Make do with what you have; make repairs with odd items and ingenuity.
  • Learn to convincingly argue every side of an argument.
  • Write with the wrong hand.
  • Write backwards with both. Read upside down (the text, not you). Hydrate.
  • Water enhances the brain’s electro-chemical activity – dehydration slows it! Change your perspective.
  • Turn the pictures in your home upside down for a while.
  • Doodle and draw visual solutions to problems instead of using numbers or text.
  • Mentally estimate the passage of time.
  • Listen to classical music.
  • Power nap. Stop procrastinating! Exercise daily.
  • Eat exceptionally well. Give your brain energy and nutrients, not fillers and chemicals from junk/processed food. Solve math problems without a calculator.
  • Remember phone numbers.
  • Mix up your routine. Play chess – especially a prolonged email version.
  • Solve optical illusions. Play brain games like crosswords or Sudoku.
  • Watch TED talks ( Be curious about everything, like a child.
  • Think positively. What can go right? Create “top 100 lists” of things to be grateful for, learn, places to visit, etc.
  • Keep a journal. Write down ideas as soon as you have them and return to them often.
  • Simplify, declutter and organize your living and work space.
  • Take a class in something you’ve never explored.
  • Take several 10-minute brisk walk-breaks throughout the day.
  • Learn to spell backwards. Change the furniture placement and art/accessories in your home.
  • Learn to play a musical instrument (and read music). ‘Be’.
  • Observe the world without judgment, classification, or even thought.
  • Share something you’ve just learned or don’t know well.
  • The process of explaining something helps clarify it.
  • Problem-solve from a different perspective.
  • How would different people approach this problem: the rich, poor, crazy, geniuses, achievers and slackers…? Take up a new hobby.
  • Find connections between seemingly unrelated items, topics or people.
  • Creatively visualize your ideal life.
  • Take a slow day: do everything at half the speed and twice the awareness.
  • Learn memory techniques.
  • Surround yourself with intelligent, positive people.
  • Learn and use a new word every day.
  • Travel abroad.
  • Stop multitasking.
  • Do one thing at a time, exceptionally well.
  • Be in Nature.
  • Collect quotes by great thinkers.
  • Learn to lucid dream.
  • Remember and record your dreams.
  • Say your problems out loud, as if you were explaining them to a stranger.
  • Play.
  • Use a reverse clock.
  • Learn yoga, tai chi or the martial arts.
  • Become hyper-aware of your environment.
  • Identify and locate the sources of sounds; subtle changes in temperature; different smells, etc. Get enough sleep (Can’t sleep because of stress? Meditate!) Eat less.
  • Laugh! 
These are fun, they keep life interesting and Best of all 

நல்லமாடசாமி திருக்கோவில் - திருமலாபுரம் 2018

அருள்மிகு நண்டு என்கிற  நல்லமாடசாமி   கும்பாபிஷேகம் & கொடைவிழா   திருமலாபுரம் 2018